1992 Honda Civic Genio, Cahya Diputra properti, dan ia terinspirasi oleh Civic dirombak fd1. Andre mengakui dalam penggarapan agak sulit.
Efek lainnya, ruang mesin juga berpartisipasi dalam rangka mengikuti kontur kap dikebiri. Jadi, beberapa komponen, seperti power steering dan AC, harus dirancang ulang dan tempat baru. Meskipun dimensi menyusut topi, sebenarnya tubuh imitasi fd1 seluruh Civic ekspansi ini adalah sekitar 15 cm.
Karena kit instalasi kustom yang sudah Andre ekspansi. Tidak mengherankan, Genio kental dengan aura kinerja mobil. Sebagai sendok udara dan udara splitter superlebar di buritan, dan empat pintu coupe dengan memelarkan pintu depan dimodifikasi menggunakan galvanis lembaran.
Selain pintu, atap juga menyentuh. Untuk menyatukan kesesuaian, pemangkasan ini dilakukan sebanyak 10 cm. Bahkan jika dipotong, itu adalah cukup besar menguras "keringat". Para dibarengi pemotongan harus proporsional dan tidak patokan tetap. Artinya, banyak pemotongan antara pilar-pilar tidak sama dari depan dan belakang.
Untuk mendapatkan pengobatan kualitas yang ciamik, proses tersebut harus melalui serangkaian penyesuaian. Dengan demikian, pilar terpangkas kelengkungan dapat menyesuaikan dengan konstruksi atap yang baru.
1992 Honda Civic Genio, Cahya Diputra property, and he dirombak inspired by Civic FD1. Andre Penggarapan acknowledged is a bit difficult.
Mobil Yang Paling Laris 2011
The most difficult, he said, while to adjust to the form of a Fender Genio Civic FD1 Genio Fender because of the width and the bulge will have very contrast with the Civic is more even. As a result, the holder sepatbor and bone bonnet must be new.
Other effects, engine room also participate in order to follow the contours dikebiri bonnet. Thus, some components, such as power steering and AC, should be redesigned and a new place. Although the dimensions shrink bonnet, actually the whole body FD1 Civic imitation this expansion is about 15 cm.
Expansion due to the custom installation kit that had already been Andre. Not surprisingly, the Genio thick with the aura performance car. As the air scoop and air splitter superlebar in the stern, and four-door coupe with a modified memelarkan front doors use sheet galvanis.
In addition to the doors, the roof is also touching. To unify overall suitability, pruning is done as much as 10 cm. Even if the cut is, it is sizeable drain "sweat". The cutting dibarengi must be proportional and not fixed benchmark. That is, a lot of cutting between the pillars is not the same front and back.
To get the quality treatment that ciamik, the process must go through a series of adjustments. By doing so, the pillars of the curvature terpangkas can adjust to the new roof construction.
Mobil Yang Paling Laris 2011
The most difficult, he said, while to adjust to the form of a Fender Genio Civic FD1 Genio Fender because of the width and the bulge will have very contrast with the Civic is more even. As a result, the holder sepatbor and bone bonnet must be new.
Other effects, engine room also participate in order to follow the contours dikebiri bonnet. Thus, some components, such as power steering and AC, should be redesigned and a new place. Although the dimensions shrink bonnet, actually the whole body FD1 Civic imitation this expansion is about 15 cm.
Expansion due to the custom installation kit that had already been Andre. Not surprisingly, the Genio thick with the aura performance car. As the air scoop and air splitter superlebar in the stern, and four-door coupe with a modified memelarkan front doors use sheet galvanis.
In addition to the doors, the roof is also touching. To unify overall suitability, pruning is done as much as 10 cm. Even if the cut is, it is sizeable drain "sweat". The cutting dibarengi must be proportional and not fixed benchmark. That is, a lot of cutting between the pillars is not the same front and back.
To get the quality treatment that ciamik, the process must go through a series of adjustments. By doing so, the pillars of the curvature terpangkas can adjust to the new roof construction.